Sunday, July 20, 2008

Carlos... Edwardo... Saul... Deisi...

One of the great things about returning to Honduras every year is getting the opportunity to see how time brings change and growth; in the people I go with on the trip, the people we serve & work with in Honduras, and the country itself. I really love watching people recognize and develop into their potential {go figure with the field I currently work in :)
In 2002 Brett and I met Carlos, and subsequently his younger brothers Edwardo & Saul, and his mother Deisi. Over the last six years we have come to love this little family as much as one can living so far away and not speaking the same language. Through God's provision they have moved out to Santa Ana, and soon will move back to Teguce with a dear friend. It is amazing to see how God's hand has been over them, providing and protecting. All three boys have several "Torch" friends, thankfully. They need to be reminded how much they are loved, and that it's okay to stop and be a kid. Especially in a world where kids assume adult roles far too early and too often in life.
This year we got to hang out with the boys for a couple of days and nights, easily one of the highlights of our trip. Saul became Brett's shadow and would literally be no more than five steps away from him. Which also brought out the most common English phrase from Carlos "Where's my brother? Where's Brett?" I wish they could have stayed with our team all week...
I never take as many pictures as I want to have when I get home, but here they are:
Carlos- 17
Here is that sheepish grin that melted my heart the first time I met him...

Edwardo- 15
Mr. Joe Cool :)

Saul- 10
possibly the shyest child on the face of the planet!

Deisi & Saul

Carlos & Saul asleep in the back of the truck
after doing cement work at Good Shepherd

I think our relationship with these boys is one of the best examples of how love conquers all....


Hilary said...

Precious pictures of the boys and also touching are the pictures from the dump. Quite shocking. Thanks for sharing your thoughts/heart.

Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

very sweet

Lerra said...

That's so sweet. It's great when people can form such close friendships when they are so different from each other!