Friday, November 24, 2006

More Birthdays...

Happy Birthday KDela!
Things I've learned from my friend Kristen
1. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt
2. It's hard to hold your fake synergy during a Fugl-Meyer taping session
3. It's called a shopping cart, not a buggy!
4. Remove the saran wrap from your microwaved corn with care!
5. You can be put in time out if you go scapel-happy in the cadavre lab
6. You can be secretly killed from cayanne pepper in chocolate chip cookies
7. Not to order a vaccum from Ebay
8. Apparently, the HEISERMAN trophy pose is extremely well known...
9. She can't just "fill in a number or two" when you're stuck on Sudoku
10. "Should I use my invisiblity for good, or evil?"

And a special birthday shout out to my friend and yours, Mr. TR, who is forty-eleven today!! :)


AnnaJane said...

Don't forgot the acting lessons on how to fake a heart attack!

Lerra said...

OMIGOSH it was so good to see y'all the other night! We miss you!!!!!