Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I try, I really do...

but my father knows just what buttons to push, and what exact moments in time I am least prepared to deal with it... Like five minutes ago, or about three weeks ago, or minutes before my Hooding ceremony...
I try to have more patience with him, but trying for a ten day holiday is nothing compared to living with him for 8+ weeks. All it takes is one word, one look, a specific tone of voice and all reason is thrown to the wind and I want to scream........... and sometimes do.
Anyone else have a family member whose neck you occasionally want to strangle??


Jen said...

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm YEAH!!!!!!!!

like you know recently when my grandma walks up to me and says "Jen, you really do need a man to complete you." well thanks for rubbing salt in the wound, i'll just run right out to Wal-Mart and buy my perfect guy to complete me right now. Do you sell any of those there?? ;)

Lerra said...

I hope your dad doesn't read your blog. :-)

Jamey said...

So I'm guessing you're not a daddy's girl...

Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

yes. I think we all do...