Monday, August 27, 2007

Some days I really LOVE my job... was NOT one of those days!

Brett and I sat on the couch tonight with a container of sherbert & two spoons trying to determine who had the worst day at work.

He won. Tomorrow's a new day.


memphis belle said...

Y'all are my favorite foreigners!!! Does that make y'all feel better? Hey, at least you aren't in Philadephia with every aspiring singer trying out for American Idol. Yuck!! Traffic is horrible downtown.

Jamey said...

I'm sorry. At least you got to share Sherbert. Yum..that sounds good right now! I might need to send Kenny to the store!

Roxy Wishum said...

I hope today is a "love my job" day. Maybe somebody will think to say "Thank you". Just know that you are appreciated by those who know you.

Lerra said...

At least you have "love my job" days. Womp woooomp.

Sorry you had a bad day! If it makes you feel any better, my throat hurts today...?? (Sorry, that's all I've got.)

dinah lou said...

Sorry to hear about your bad day. I've had my fair share of those as well, but I still wouldn't even think of doing anything else. Just try to look at the big picture and know that you are God's tool to help others heal. I often have to remind myself of this...

Karen said...

I got nothing for ya...nothing at all! But, I do love you! I had a really stinky day last week...Does that count??:)

Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

sorry man. at least you got a free washer and dryer! woohoooooo! cheer up!

Unknown said...

Interesting choice of comfort food...Hope you are having a better day today! Thinking about both of you.